Pixel Creatio...
Founded in April 2019, Pixel Creations has steadily expanded its team to comprise 15 dedicated professionals. Our primary focus revolves around the Official Minecraft Marketplace, TOPIA, and The Sandbox game. At Pixel Creations, each team member possesses a wealth of experience and unwavering passion, boasting over 5 years of expertise in professional mapmaking. Our mission is to craft captivating and distinctive maps, skins, avatars, assets, and other engaging elements. With an extensive portfolio comprising numerous successful projects completed both independently and in collaboration with partners, we have consistently delivered exceptional results.
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Availability - 5.0
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Quality - 5.0
Timeliness - 5.0
Cooperation - 5.0
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Skills - 5.0(5.0)
Availability - 5.0
Communication - 5.0
Quality - 5.0
Timeliness - 5.0
Cooperation - 5.0