The Supreme - Chest Piece
Chest Piece of The Supreme outfit. This chest armor was forged from some minerals present during the explosion caused by the formation of the supreme being. The Supreme Being was born from the fusion between three beings of space, the three beings were about to be dematerialized due to some unknown circumstances but a mysterious being tried to save them, this resulted in a strong explosion never seen before, the explosion saved in the 3 beings part, they live with being the savior but in the form of spiritual strength, their arms will help him in the struggles but their screams will torment him in his head, forever.
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You are about to place a bid for The Supreme - Chest Piece, Chest Piece of The Supreme outfit. This chest armor was forged from some minerals present during the explosion caused by the formation of the supreme being. The Supreme Being was born from the fusion between three beings of space, the three beings were about to be dematerialized due to some unknown circumstances but a mysterious being tried to save them, this resulted in a strong explosion never seen before, the explosion saved in the 3 beings part, they live with being the savior but in the form of spiritual strength, their arms will help him in the struggles but their screams will torment him in his head, forever. by Pikalol
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