Our Lady of Peace
In the year 1682 some merchants found an abandoned box in El Salvador, the box was sealed without being able to open it, they took it to the city, thinking that it is a treasure, they went to open it, by chance they passed by the cathedral, at that moment the donkey carrying the box was made on land, without being able to move the donkey, they decided to open the box and without any effort the box was opened and inside the box the image of the Virgin Mary was found, since then peace in El Salvador for That time the wars ceased, that's why she was called Our Lady of Peace.
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You are about to place a bid for Our Lady of Peace, In the year 1682 some merchants found an abandoned box in El Salvador, the box was sealed without being able to open it, they took it to the city, thinking that it is a treasure, they went to open it, by chance they passed by the cathedral, at that moment the donkey carrying the box was made on land, without being able to move the donkey, they decided to open the box and without any effort the box was opened and inside the box the image of the Virgin Mary was found, since then peace in El Salvador for That time the wars ceased, that's why she was called Our Lady of Peace. by AISBERG
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