Decent Stage
Decent Stage is the materialisation of an ambition: to come up with a space capable of hosting talks, debates, and shows, in spherical structure that promotes gatherings by the shape itself. Concrete and bronze are the chosen materials for the Decent Stage. With the thought that “less is more”, this limited choice of materials comes with the purpose that the attention should be drawn to the shapes itself and avoid a visual overload. Simple, honest, functional and with heavy-looking materials, this building comes as out attempt to set out the guidelines for Crypto-Brutalism in the metaverse. The building is 32x32x32m for a 2x2 Parcel in Decentraland.
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You are about to place a bid for Decent Stage, Decent Stage is the materialisation of an ambition: to come up with a space capable of hosting talks, debates, and shows, in spherical structure that promotes gatherings by the shape itself. Concrete and bronze are the chosen materials for the Decent Stage. With the thought that “less is more”, this limited choice of materials comes with the purpose that the attention should be drawn to the shapes itself and avoid a visual overload. Simple, honest, functional and with heavy-looking materials, this building comes as out attempt to set out the guidelines for Crypto-Brutalism in the metaverse. The building is 32x32x32m for a 2x2 Parcel in Decentraland. by Decent Architecture
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