Viewing Proposal
Remaining Budget: 500.0
Proposal scope: 3D Modeling, Architectural design, Texturing, Low poly
- Build a 64x64m Headquarters with interior and exterior decorations
- You will be provided a moodboard detailing the building (internal & external)
• Follow TCG World build guidelines (will be shared privately; Else, you can check for more information in Sandstorm discord)
• 3D asset creation, completed models transfered with: (1) texture folder, (2) FBX files, (3) Original file of the program the builder modeled in
• Max polycount of about 100k polygons
✅ Get builder certified
✅ Get level 2 verified (KYC)
✅ Mint some assets that showcase your range of artistic skills
✅ Bid on this proposal
Note: Build will be payed out in USDT*
More information on the guidelines you will need to follow will be provided after the hiring process

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