Viewing Proposal
Remaining Budget: 0.0
Scope: Voxel asset creation, Animation, Rendering
Cryptostache, Spikereacts & Brycent come together to build awesome assets around a cooperative metaverse initiative!! The plot thickens…
- 1x spike miniboss (custom)
- 1x brycent miniboss (custom)
- 1x vehicle - Bad guy getaway van for Spike miniboss
- 1x vehicle - Bad guy getaway sports car for Brycent
- Spike miniboss - Style: Street gang
- Brycent miniboss - Style: High Fashion club baller status
- Recreation of all basic animations for the assets & 1-2 custom animations per miniboss & vehicles (depending on complexity)
- Follow Voxedit guidelines
✅ Get builder certified
✅ Get level 2 verified (KYC)
✅ Mint some assets that showcase your range of artistic skills
✅ Bid on this proposal
Budget: 1000 USD

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