Rizk Ghazaly


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Who is Rizk Ghazaly Studio?

Metarizk Studio, led by architect Rizk Ghazaly, who holds a master's degree in Bio-digital Architecture. Since 2019, we've been designing stunning spaces in the metaverse, building over 500 lands and winning more than 10 prizes in the Metaverse. Our studio has helped brands like RealMissNFT, Goatz, and Lottie London, and we're honored to be the official Architect of District X, one of the largest districts in Decentraland. We specialize in creating unique and boundary-pushing experiences in the decentralized world, and we're excited to bring your project to life. /www.metarizk.net/

Level 2 - Verification Builder Decentraland TCG World Blender

Did you know? You can create real shoppable eCommerce experiences in space.

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